A Different Way Home

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 46, 97; PM Psalm 96, 100; Isa. 49:1-7; Rev. 21:22-27; Matt. 12:14-21

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany, although the Daily office readings don’t do the best job of capturing the story.  If we were to have Eucharist today, you would hear the story in Matthew’s Gospel about Herod calling the wise men to learn about a special star and sending them to search for the Christ child.  In the reading, the wise men search and upon finding the place where Jesus is resting, they are overwhelmed with joy. This is the moment when the wise men enter the house and present the child with gifts. Think of the old hymn “We three kings!”

There is a part of the story that the nativity pageants and hymn leave out and that is the last verse where the men “having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.”  It’s an interesting twist to the story.  Their lives have been altered by the encounter with Jesus.

Today marks the day that we celebrate the very light that leads us on a path to find God’s glory. It’s likely many of us can easily point to that light.  It could be a friend, a partner, a grandparent, a mentor, our church community, or more.  It’s beautiful to reflect on how people lead us to find Christ Jesus, and probably important to pause and give thanks for those people and those communities.   

And yet, it is even more provocative to then ask ourselves how now is our journey home called to be different?  It’s a new year, and as this season has concluded, we have all encountered Christ, made a journey just like the wise men.  So how does our journey home change? How have our lives been altered?


Questions for Self-Reflection:  Who are the people who lead you to know Christ more deeply? How has that happened? Do you play that role for others?

Daily Challenge:  Send a text, write a letter, or call one of these people who shapes your faith and give thanks for the role they play in your faith life.

John Burruss